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Perennial Solitude
Perennial Solitude

"He showed her truth. He showed her violence. Her body, a sacred offering that he exposed and anointed in true understanding. The Mother's sacrifice, in order for rebirth to come to the world..."

"The road ended. Ended at the old clock tower on the shore, its weather worn paint chipped, and reflecting the frailty of human existence, as the waves pounded against one side. The ocean was still here, dark secrets, lost to the ages beneath it's violent surface..."

"How did fate bring me to this moment...in the arms of such a strange vice,m that I wonder if I look deathly enough to arouse the passions of a faceless man who craves the comfort of the grave, over those of the living?"

Take a peek into a world of taboo passion, apocalyptic vision and the whispers of insanity as Desade takes shadows from his palette to paint a vivid picture that leaves the reader with their face pressed to the peephole, yearning for more.

Featuring the artwork of Stephanie Atkins, it was published on June 3, 2020.